Pārspriedumi  Search Word Frequency List

Corpus of Students' Essays

A specialized corpus containing 468 students' essays for the 12th grade Latvian language exam.

K. Levane-Petrova and K. Pokratniece
Skolēnu pārspriedumu korpusa izveide
LiePA, 2021
K. Levāne-Petrova, K. Pokratniece, R. Darģis
Corpus of Students' Essays (Pārspriedumi)
CLARIN-LV digital library, 2021
Corpus size 185k words (226k tokens)
Data period 2018
Development period 2018–2021
Developers Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science UL, Liepaja University, Rezekne Academy of Technologies
Funding State Research Programme “Latvian Language” (VPP-IZM-2018/2-0002)
Homepage http://parspriedumi.korpuss.lv
CLARIN http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12574/51
Other publications
K. Levane-Petrova
Ciešamās kārtas konstrukcijas
Valoda: nozīme un forma, 12, 127-141, 2021